The inspection is normally carried out in the place ofproduction or on the premises of the supplier. Testing of lat product of thickness less than 6 mm may be thesubject of special agreements between the parties concerned. In the event of a dispute, only themethod defined in this standard shall prevail. by transmission) or other testequipment may be used at the manufacturer's discretion providedthat they give identical results to those obtained under theconditions of this standard. This standard also defines four quality classes for the flatproduct body (classes S 0, S 1,S 2 and S 3) and 5 classes (E 0,E 1, E 2, E 3, E 4) for theedges in accordance with the criteria specified in clause 9. It is applicable to flat product in nominalthickness range of 6 mm to 200 mm of non-alloyed or alloyed steel,excluding austenitic or austenoferritic steels, However, thisstandard may be applied to the latter types of steels provided thatthe difference between the amplitude of the noise signal and thatof the echo detection threshold is sufficient for the limitfixed.

This European Standard describes a method for the ultrasonictesting of uncoated flat steel product for internaldiscontinuities.